Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The New Mom's guide to survival

So as many of you know, I am the proud mother of two adorable boys.  I love them to pieces.  But, to be honest, I really hate the newborn stage.  Sorry, I know there are many of you out there who can't get enough of the little scrunched up faces, curled up little balls of cute, and sleepless nights.  I'm just not one of those people.  Give me a six month old who takes two naps a day and sleeps through the night, and I will be a happy camper. 

On top of not being a big fan of the newborn stage, I also had post partum depression with both my kids.  With Evan (the oldest), I didn't know I had it, and it took about three months to go away.  That was a very hard time.  With Ian (born 6 months ago), I had it for the first month.  Had it lasted any longer, I would now be on medication.  So...to put it mildly, I have had it rough.  My babies have also been colicky.  Double rough.  So, I feel someone must benefit from knowledge about the best baby products out there.  Here they are:

1.  The Hooter Hider/Udder Cover/Nursing Cover:  The best invention ever for anyone bigger than a B cup!  I envy those moms who can whip out their boob and it is covered by their infants head and their shirt!  I am NOT one of those women!  These amazing contraptions are a piece of lightweight cloth with a wire going through the top that allows you to see your baby and keep you covered at the same time.  I could not live without this invention!

2.  The changing table:  Anyone who thinks these are not necessary must have an amazingly strong back!  I LOVE that I am not hunched over every time I have to change my baby's diaper.  And it's got handy dandy shelves to store everything you could possible need for diapering.  Who wouldn't want one?

3.  Playtex drop ins:  When I was done breast feeding, I bet I saved hours of time not having to wash bottles.  These disposable liners are a pretty awesome invention.

4.  Halo sleep sacks:  Worried that your baby is cold, but don't want to use a blanket because you are worried about SIDS?  The sleep sack is an awesome little blanket that your baby actually wears.  It's like a Snuggy for babies!  It's the best thing ever!

5.  The bouncer (with vibrator).  My colicky baby would not give me a moment of sanity if I didn't have one of these.

6.  The Fisher Price Cradle Swing--Talk about amazing.  This baby swings forward and side to side.  It comes with many different sound options and a mobile to entertain your little one!

7.  The travel system-- LOVE my infant car seat and matching stroller.  And i used the stroller for the next two years up until Ian was born. 

8.  The sit and stand stroller.  If your child will be older than three by the time your next one is born, your older child will love that they can stand on the back and ride along.

9.  A neck/travel pillow:  For all those nights you will fall asleep in a chair while rocking your child.

10. The Exersaucer--You can easily move it from room to room and it entertains your baby for long periods of time!

11. The Baby Bjorn (or any front carrier)--Maybe it's just personality, but Ian LOVES this thing! Literally there is no problem that this carrier doesn't solve for him. He is always happy in it! I have also heard great things about the ERGO.

12. The Baby Bjorn plastic bib. Remember the 70's and 80's when we were kids? My parents had this bib with a shelf at the bottom to catch all our droppings. Seems like it is hard to find now! Go to Target.com and get yourself a plastic bib--you will save loads of time by not having to dig 90% of your baby/toddlers meals out of the high chair. And it is much less disgusting! Plus it is dishwasher safe and easier to wash in the sink as well!

13. The Boppy pillow--great for nursing and for that stage when they are learning to sit and are wobbly. It will keep them steady and provide a soft place to land if they fall!

14. A sound machine--one that plays white noise. It is much easier to live normal lives in our house with the sound machine. It drowns out all other noise so your baby is not wakened as often by your household!

Okay, I know this is quite extensive. I guess pass it on to your expecting friends! I am always one to be prepared, and any expertise I can pass on would make me happy! Coming soon: The list of things you really DON'T need when having a baby!

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