Saturday, August 27, 2011

Give Thanks to the Lord...

Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!

Lately I have felt lead to post a blog thanking God for all the blessings in my life, because they are many. The past year has also been a very trying time in which it is easy to forget blessings. I was just talking with a friend the other day about how our joy can be stolen because of hardships, big or small. We become disappointed, we didn't get our way, someone we love is suffering, or we worry about the things we can't control (yours truly). Now of course we all have a right to feel these things when bad things happen. I am talking about the inability to let go of disappointment and worry--the habit of dwelling on it and letting it steal the present moment from you. I have two small children at home--the day is full of priceless moments full of joy if I will only let myself experience them. So this is a way of reminding myself that life really isn't so bad. Yes, people I love are going through hard things. I am going through hard things. However, there is so much to be thankful for--and so many good things to focus on too. My prayer is that someday, the negative will only take up a moment of my time, and the beauty of life will take up the majority of my thoughts!

My blessings:

1) My beautiful house. Though much smaller than most dream homes, it meets all our needs. There is a bedroom for everyone, two bathrooms, and a kitchen with lots of counter space! We have a huge deck, and a huge private backyard. Evan was astounded one day this summer when we had the sprinkler going and we were relaxing on the deck. He said, "Do we live here?" (meaning, this place is so cool! Do I really live here?) I said, "Yes. And you know who we can thank for that? God!" Evan responded, "Thank you God!" It was so special!

2) My two wonderful children. Evan is smart, kind, adorable, affectionate, and a true momma's boy. He is such a blessing! Ian is so so so happy! And full of life--you can see in his eyes that when he starts crawling I better watch out. I can already see he's full of mischief and exploration! And did I mention they are both adorable? And healthy? I was blessed beyond belief!

3) My husband. I don't know too many men who will get up with the baby, get up in the morning with the kids, cook, clean, and do laundry (I mean he's willing to help me, I still do those things too!) He also watches the kids pretty much anytime I have something going on without complaint. He is loving and caring--and very unselfish! I am a lucky woman!

4) We have enough. Even though it is easy to get caught up in materialism and our culture, when I truly look at our needs, they are met. I really cannot complain. Even though I don't get to shop for a recreational sport, I can purchase food at the grocery store and know the check won't bounce!

5) I have made the choice to stay home with our kids and so far we are financially stable. Like I said--we don't have more than enough, but we have enough. I would never trade being at home for a bigger house, two nice cars, and the latest fashions for all of us. Even though it can be tempting to look at my neighbor and get jealous, the trade off for a two income home just isn't worth it to me! I have been blessed because it works for us! Not everyone can be in our position!

6) Okay, this is getting long, so I will lump everything else together: family. My in laws are wonderful. My sisters are my best friends. I have a cousin who I am also close to. And I have friends who are fun to be with, are dependable, and point me to God when life is hard.

7) Okay one more! I have an amazing church. Duluth Vineyard is a healthy place where I have received healing for my past, and I have grown in my faith. Great worship, great preaching, great values. So glad I found it!

Okay, what about you? What are you thankful for? I challenge you to make your own list!

Okay, last one, I promise! Our church put on a free event with family portraits being part of it. We were blessed to have Al and Lyndsey Johnson from On3Design take our pictures! Here it is!

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