Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Spot on the Sopha

This past weekend we visited some friends, the Sopha's, who are near and dear to our hearts. They moved to Iowa about a year and a half ago (has it really been that long?). You can read their blog, A Spot on the Sopha, to see why we think they are so wonderful! And to see their four, adorable, girls, Addie, Josie, Ella, and Gwen. Now, I will not say that I am an amazing long distance friend. In fact, I am a terrible one! Lucky for me, my husband is really tight with Steve, so that means we will be visiting these guys until one of us moves out of driving range! Here is a list of why we love them so much:

1. They both have the gift of hospitality. When they lived in Duluth, the parties were always at their place, sometimes with only a few hours notice (did I mention they have four kids?)

2. They have the gift of hospitality. Their door is always open--they are truly always there for you!

3. They have the gift of hospitality. When we go to visit, they cook elaborate meals, have a special guest room, and will pretty much do anything to make sure you have a good time.

4. Did I mention they have the gift of hospitality? Their hearts are so big--we miss them here in Duluth, but we really enjoy visiting them too!

Also, some amazing things we get to see and do when we visit:

1. Hold baby kittens!
2. See chickens and roosters!
3. Swim in their pool
4. Go to the local Bent n Dent where they sell all kinds of great finds (expired of course, but it's still good!)
5. Go antiquing
6. Go to an auction (I have never been yet, but it's on my list)
7. See their beautiful pear trees
8. Their girls play with my son for hours--and they are so sweet! And did I mention Steve and Julie have very well behaved girls? I only hope to follow in their footsetps with my own children.
9. Play Settlers of Catan with two of the best players in the world.
10. Visit a "just right" sized county fair. Here are some pictures of the fun:

Evan doing the tractor pull

Evan on his favorite ride, the "race cars"

At the monster truck show!

Evan and Gwen playing together so nice!

We love you Sopha's!

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