Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I've been gone...

Well, anyone who was generous enough to want to follow my blog has been greatly disappointed.  I had good intentions, but then I had a baby.  This is my second child, so I should have been prepared for the shell shock that happens  when another child is added to the home.  I was on some level--but they say nothing can really prepare you.  Let's just say between colic hitting hard in month two (gone now thanks to our favorite chiropractor, Adam Sundberg), a jealous three year old, and many sleepless nights--it's been rough!  However, I would love to introduce you to the reason I've been absent from blogging (well the main one), our new little boy, Ian Weaver!

And here is a more recent picture:

First haircut!               

I will just say that he is literally the happiest baby I have ever met. He is so smiley! Even more than his brother was, and I didn't think that was possible! I love this little guy and thought I would make my first post since his birth to be about introducing him! Welcome Ian!


  1. Congratulations Mandy! Happy babies are reflections of good parenting.

    And welcome back to your blog.
