Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm back?

Alright, it's been two months? I don't even know where to begin! During my blogging break I got somewhat updated on scrapbooking, enjoyed fall, and also enjoyed Christmas! We just took down the tree today, and the corner of our living room where it stood looks oh so bare! Would it be weird to leave my Christmas tree up all year long?

I also recently started a private blog for myself, my husband, and a few blood related relatives. It is basically a blog documenting all the cute things my children say and do every day. I am sure all you moms out there know that we forget so much! In fact, I am realizing were it not for pictures, videos, and scrapbooks, I would not remember much of the last four years! I want to do better. I want to cherish every moment. I want to have tons of memories to look back on. So there it is, my new hobby. Sorry, it's for private viewing only. And you would probably be bored out of your mind. It's only for those who love my children so much they could eat them!

What is new and exciting since October? Ian is a crawling machine, a tornado, and a mess maker! I told Jeremy we should have named him Destructo Poopy Pants! Evan is a very articulate preschooler who can write his name (not with all the letters in order, but still...).

Now I am preparing myself for the long three months ahead. You know, the gray, cold, dark, wintery days. Ahhh! But I have one saving grace. I will be spending a week in Arizona with my parents in February. Unfortunately, I still have to get through March, but it is so much better knowing a have a little ray of light to look forward to! What are you doing to get through the winter blahs? With my arthritis, I am very limited when it comes to winter sports (no skiing, snowboarding, etc).

On a sadder note, we have had a couple of people we knew relatively well pass away. One was a 23 year old former student of Jeremy's, and one was a 48 year old husband and father. Both too young to leave this world in my opinion! Both great people! It has made me ever more aware to cherish every moment with your family, and take nothing for granted. I pray I can remember to do that every day.

That is all the goings on in the Weaver house! Just hunkering down for the winter ahead! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!